A curadoria e a mediação dos principais temas e debates do ciclo Renascença passaram a ser feitas por intelectuais espalhados pelo Brasil e no exterior. Cabeças com distintas origens, formações e perspectivas, a maior parte de grupos sociais historicamente ausentes da formulação e da execução da política externa. Trata-se de mudança de paradigma importante: agora não falamos apenas do Instituto, ou de servidores do Itamaraty, mas de um arco bem mais representativo. Confira abaixo mais informações sobre os responsáveis por nossas curadorias.

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I'm a paragraph. I'm connected to your collection through a dataset. Click Preview to see my content. To update me, go to the Data Manager.
Debate 1
I'm a paragraph. I'm connected to your collection through a dataset. Click Preview to see my content. To update me, go to the Data Manager.

I'm a title. To update me, go to the Data Manager.
Debate 1
I'm a paragraph. I'm connected to your collection through a dataset. Click Preview to see my content. To update me, go to the Data Manager.
Debate 1
I'm a paragraph. I'm connected to your collection through a dataset. Click Preview to see my content. To update me, go to the Data Manager.

I'm a title. To update me, go to the Data Manager.
Debate 1
I'm a paragraph. I'm connected to your collection through a dataset. Click Preview to see my content. To update me, go to the Data Manager.
Debate 1
I'm a paragraph. I'm connected to your collection through a dataset. Click Preview to see my content. To update me, go to the Data Manager.

I'm a title. To update me, go to the Data Manager.
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I'm a paragraph. I'm connected to your collection through a dataset. Click Preview to see my content. To update me, go to the Data Manager.
Debate 1
I'm a paragraph. I'm connected to your collection through a dataset. Click Preview to see my content. To update me, go to the Data Manager.

I'm a title. To update me, go to the Data Manager.
Debate 1
I'm a paragraph. I'm connected to your collection through a dataset. Click Preview to see my content. To update me, go to the Data Manager.
Debate 1
I'm a paragraph. I'm connected to your collection through a dataset. Click Preview to see my content. To update me, go to the Data Manager.